bricks, glass, mortar, steel, wire mesh, 2019

This work is an exploration of my familial and intimate relationships. It explores the fragility of an individual human but the strength that comes through the unity of humans. It is an embodiment of the family unit whether it be the nuclear family or one formed through love and connection. It is an experiment on material contrast and the extraction of the utilitarian use of everyday materials to materials of artistic and emotional expression.  There is the presence of a building/roof under which people gather, cast in mortar to represent strength, solidity and a sense of grounding. The cage is elevated on bricks. Building blocks of a home. The elevation highlights the singularity of the unit. Something whole, contained, many individuals coming together to form one. To love, support, hold, nurture. Beings small, big, grown, developing, changing, breathing, exploring. To me my family and my relationships mean everything. These individuals follow me throughout my journey whether it be experiences mundane and dull like the industrial appearance of steel or experiences beautiful and light filled like the delicately constructed vases.


August 2019


June 2019